Velocity Spin Studio
Velocity Disco Spin is a new spinning venue in Sandown on the Isle of Wight, offering 7 classes a week from early risers to early evening, in our specially adapted venue which is dark 24/7 and provide the conditions for a disco inspired spin session.
Our instructions bring fun and motivation to your workout with the aid of great music.
Great for beginners and seasoned spinners alike, you only have to work to your best ability.
Unit 9, East Yar Road, Sandown, Isle of Wight. PO36 9AX
Services or Products:
Monday 6am Early Bird Spin Class **
Monday 7pm Spin Class
Tuesday 6pm Beginners Spin Class
Wednesday 6am Early Bird Spin Class **
Wednesday 7pm Spin Class
Thursday 7pm Spin Class
Friday 6am Early Bird Spin Class **
** Booking Required
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